









8月9日にはインド現地で報道されていたようだけど、自動翻訳できず意味がわからない ^_^;;
‘தீ’ பிடித்து எரியும் அதிசய குழந்தை: சென்னையில் தீவிர சிகிச்சை!- burning child undergo treatment chennai – Oneindia Tamil


Chennai: A three-month-boy bursts into flames whenever he sweats. The child has been suffering from a rare medical condition called Spontaneous Human Combustion. Doctors, however, said there was no cure for this rare condition and could be a result of his skin emitting combustible gases.

TN: 3-month-old baby bursts into flames whenever he sweats(Updated Aug 11, 2013 at 09:08am IST)




私が見た範囲でまとまってるのは The Hinduの記事

The Hindu によると、火傷は何らかの熱い物体に触れたために発生していると思われ、それは3週間以上前の accident によるもの、とのこと。児童虐待の可能性も考えて調査しているそうだ。


J. Jagan Mohan, head of plastic surgery, who examined the baby, said there was very remote possibility of self-ignition. “Such a case has not been reported so far,” he said. “The injuries have healed and the scars are from an older accident that may have occurred less than three weeks ago. We need to explore the possibility of child abuse,” he said.

Since the baby does not have any injuries on his back, it is possible the child was hurt when he came in contact with a hot object, he said.
Investigations revealed phosphorus stuffed in wet cow dung had been placed in the huts. When the dung dried up, phosphorus, which has a low ignition point, lit up, setting the huts on fire. Enmity between two groups had led to one party resorting to such acts to harm their rivals. At the time, there were also reports of animals going up in flames and it was found phosphorus had been rubbed on the animals too, causing them to go up in flames.

Baby burning case: docs hint at child abuse – The Hindu(CHENNAI, August 11, 2013, Updated: August 16, 2013 08:54 IST)


The researchers used an indigenously developed machine to examine the release of ethanol and methane gases. “Initially, the team led by John Bosco found traces of these gases but then we realised it was probably due to the medicines we had applied on the baby for the burns. When we wiped away the medicines, no such gases were noticed in the tests,” said

Baby burning case: tests on baby show no abnormality – The Hindu(CHENNAI, August 16, 2013, Updated: August 16, 2013 08:57 IST )


自然発火云々は誤報(飛ばし?)っぽいのですが、いずれにせよ現在調査中の事案であり、さらなる現地報道を待つ必要があると思います。The Hindu が連日続報を出していますので、それを読むだけでも追っかけることができそう。

その The Hindu も8月10日時点では “Rare medical condition sets Chennai baby afire repeatedly – The Hindu” (CHENNAI, August 10, 2013)と報じていました。良くわからないニュースの場合は続報を待つべきですね。



ASIOSブログ: インドの燃える赤ちゃん」に詳しい解説があります。


Posted by ず@沖縄